Sulla Honey
Sulla Honey: typical southern honey with a bright colour and a consistency that crystallises quickly. Son of the legume type that receives the name of Sulla, which belongs to the Leguminosae family.
100% natural ingredients used, free from additives and pesticides.
From transparent to yellow (tends to be towards the white-beige once crystallised)
Delicate flavour with a bitter aftertaste
Italian honey with Sicilian roots
250 gr.
da 20,00€
Sulla Honey: typical southern honey with a bright colour and a consistency that crystallises quickly. Son of the legume type that receives the name of Sulla, which belongs to the Leguminosae family. It’s a fodder plant rich in protein and therefore precious to agriculturists and farmers. It has a delicate taste, it displays fruity hints and comes with a scent of grass and straw. Rich in Iron, Copper, Zinc, Magnesium and Manganese, which makes this honey an amazing ally for sports people and athletes. It is mainly used as a natural sweetener, perfect for tea and other infusions, or spread on a piece of toast, even ideal for bakery and making sweets, such as fudge. Rich in vitamin A and C, it has depurative and antioxidant properties. Unrefined, yet an authentic product. Ideal for sore throats or cough.
How to preserve: it is advised to close the jar tightly after every use and keep it in a dry place at room temperature.

Just as a bee gathering nectar does not harm or disturb the colour and fragrance of the flower,
so do the wise move through the world.