Millefiori Honey
Miele di Millefiori è una delle tipologie di miele più diffuse. Dal sapore gustoso e variegato, presenta una grande ricchezza aromatica, grazie ai diversi fiori che lo rendono ogni volta unico e diverso. Un’esclusiva esplosione di sensazioni difficile da codificare.
100% natural ingredients used, free from additives and pesticides.
Gold and clear (Tends to be white-beige when crystallised)
Varied and intense
Italian honey with Sicilian roots
250 gr.
da 20,00€
It’s one of the most common and well known honeys. With a tasty and varied flavour, it displays a great fragrant opulence, thanks to the different flowers blended, making it unique every single time. It has an extraordinary perfect-shaped taste, given to the different types of nectar collected by the bees (blackberry bushes, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, lindens, legumes). An exclusive explosion of sensations hard to break it down into words. It’s rich in nutrients and particularly suggested for seasonal illnesses. In addition it nurtures the skin and hair. Perfect to enjoy it with tea and other infusions, yet also great spread on a slice of rusk. Delicious also on fruit salads and cheese. An intense honey, long lasting, soft and with malted and resinous scents. A product of a sweetness contained and with a strong nature. It quickly crystallises and the creamy and sandy thickness makes it even more elegant.
How to preserve: it is advised to close the jar tightly after every use and keep it in a dry place at room temperature.

There is a honeybee that rests on a rose button: it sucks it and leaves. All in all, happiness is about little things.